Tuesday, July 13, 2010

They Know

I saw one of the guys I work with when I was driving in downtown La Crosse last night. He saw me as well, so I said something to him about it this morning. There was a couple of us there, so he said that he saw me staggering out of a bar in downtown La Crosse, which was stretching the story just a bit. Ok, maybe more than a little bit, because I was actually just driving home from the library. Anyway, the other guys laughed pretty hard.

So, why blog about something as trivial as that? Because, there is a reason for their hearty laughter. The reason is that they know that I would not be stumbling out of a bar. They know that would be very out of character for me. God has graciously glorified Himself through me by allowing me to be a good example to these guys. One of the biggest regrets I had when I thought I was leaving the company in March was that the guys knew that I was different, but they didn't necessarily know why. Since I started working for G-MAC again, I've had many great opportunities to lift Christ up, and share my testimony. They know I'm different because I want to honor God with my life. A few of them know the story of God's work in my life. A few of them know that I want to care more about the glory of God than I do about myself. Praise God!

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