Tuesday, June 29, 2010

They Don't Have Shoes

I am a rather unique person, who often thinks of random things to do for fun, or as a challenge. If you've been reading this blog for any amount of time, you know this full well. There's a bluff real close to the job site that I'm working at, with an old road going to the top. Sometimes I walk up there on my lunch break, and sometimes I challenge myself to walk as far as I can without shoes. It's fun because it reminds me of New Guinea, and it's nice to get out of my shoes after working for half a day.

Anyway, to make a long story short, God used this little challenge to grow me a little closer to Him today. As I stated in my last post, I've been noticing more and more how concerned I am with myself, when I should be more concerned about God and others. My thoughts and actions are focused on myself and my comfort, instead of God's glory. As I was walking down the bluff and my bare feet started to experience the pain of gravel and asphalt, I realized how pampered I am. I spent the rest of the time walking down the bluff praying for those who don't even have shoes. It was yet another small lesson in taking my eyes off of myself and putting them on the needs of others. I want to be more concerned about glorifying God by being compassionate than being so concerned with my own comfort. I was reminded of an acronym for joy that my mom taught me when I was a little kid, and with that I will end this post. I want this to be the order of the things that I focus on and pour my life into.


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