Thursday, August 19, 2010

Another chapter is almost over...

My time here in La Crosse is almost over. Things are changing. My daily routine is changing from putting in a hard days work to putting in lots of studying at school. I'm changing from being in a rough construction atmosphere to an atmosphere of Christian fellowship. I'm moving to a totally different geographical location. I'm leaving behind family and many friends. I'm leaving behind the security of being 4 hours from home. I'm even leaving behind Jimmy Johns. The shift is very bittersweet. I'm sad to leave all of this behind, but I'm very excited to move on to the new chapter in the story that God is writing. All these things may change, but the one constant is God. He will never change, and no matter where I am or what I'm doing, I can always strive to glorify Him with my life

I'm very excited to see how much God has taught me during my time in La Crosse. He's taught me to be humble, to be selfless, to be a man of honor, to have courage, and to look at every moment of every day as an opportunity to glorify Him. I'm excited to move on to spend time at the Center for Pioneer Church Planting. I'm excited to learn more about God, the Bible, and missions. I'm excited to have the privilege of devoting my time to those three things. I'm looking forward to a unique season of growth in my walk with Christ.

The summer has been great. I've learned tons about carpentry. I've built a relationship with my local church, of which I am now a member. I've had the opportunity to witness to guys, especially at work. I've had the opportunity to disciple some of the young guys at church. I've had fun doing adventures and fellowshipping with my friends. I've crawled through caves, hiked bluffs, I've spent time with my family, I've done some geocaching, I've shot my fingers with nail guns. And, to top it all off, I even started a relationship with a girl! On Tuesday, August 10th, I asked Sarah Wilkosz to begin a courtship with me. I'm very excited about that!

As the year has progressed, I've questioned the path that I'm following, that is, the path to becoming a missionary to Papua New Guinea. I question why I go. I question why I would go somewhere where I don't feel comfortable. I question why I go somewhere so far from everything that I know. Because of God, and His work in my life, I have a resolve. My resolve is to serve God in the unreached places, to stick it out when the going gets rough because Jesus is worth it. I will go somewhere and I will care more about God's glory than my own comfort. Praise God, because that is an attitude that I could not have on my own. All praise and glory be to God, the Author and Perfecter of our faith.

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