"We're crusing downriver toward Chambri Island! We're in a dugout canoe with a 15hp motor. Chambri Island is in view right now. The total trip time is 2-2 1/2 hours. We've been going almost an hour & a half. As we initially started out the canoe was rocking around a bit, which was pretty fun! My eyes got real wide under my sunglasses & I started laughing. We've been traveling through straight-up jungle. The river ranged from very wide to quite narrow. We've only gotten stuck once. I'm starting to get used to the feel fo the canoe now. The 6-hour trip to Blackwater should be pretty sweet. A village is in sight on Chambri Island!"
Sound totally sweet!!! Your blog is awesome!!! Leave me a comment or follow my blog sometime at www.goals2realize.blogspot.com
Sure, will do!
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